
Look at your own influencers: What are they trying to get you to be *more* of?

Which experts, personalities, and “influencers” do you follow? Whether you are aware of it or not, they are shaping your definition of success.

As you observe what 
they are pursuing, it automatically influences your beliefs of what is important to pursue.

Notice the imagery in their content (lifestyles of the rich and famous?), notice what they celebrate and point out to you, and notice the style they exhibit. 

In this moment, question the direction of growth that they are encouraging you tow…

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How to make money fast — with integrity

Not talking about “getting rich quick”, but giving yourself some breathing space…

An “opportunity” that promises overnight wealth is almost certainly a scam: they make money quickly by taking your money quickly. Or, you may be asked you to sell an "income opportunity" to your friends & family. I’ve been there. I'd advise you to decline any scheme that requires you to recruit other people to sell successfully before you make real money.

Making money fast is not what I typically discuss. An authenti…

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How to get clients without "marketing"?

A reader asked me whether it’s possible to get clients without having to do marketing.

“I’m so good at doing my work, not so good at marketing. I just want to focus on the work itself. How can I get clients?”

​I can relate to this question. Maybe you can, too.
In the beginning of my business a decade ago, I practiced what I was taught: old-school internet marketing that felt more like war (“dominate the market”) or religion (“indoctrinating/converting audience into buyers”)…

A few years into it,…

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Focus Your Marketing for Better Results

You don’t have to do everything.

Double-down on your top strength.

When you start to learn marketing, you’re going to get pulled in many different directions... which way should you go?
One expert: “You must do video, and upload it to Youtube & Facebook!”

Another expert: “It’s all about connecting with Instagram influencers.”

Yet another expert: “The fastest way to build an email list is by organizing a Telesummit!”

​An SEO expert: “None of the above builds you a truly long-term asset unless you’…

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Authentic Pricing for Solopreneurs

Finding the “right” price for your services, programs, products.

Most authentic businesses have haphazard pricing.

Sometimes, you just pick a number based on how you “feel” about it. The problem is that your audience might not “feel” the same. No matter how intuitive, you are still a human being, with normal human biases. Pricing from a shoot-from-the-hip kind of way is not wise business practice. You're treating your business like a hobby.

Or, you might blindly trust a business/marketing exp…

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