
Ever feel like you are *bothering* people with your content… adding to the noise?

Are you bothering people with your content?

Do you ever feel like you’re bothering people, when you post your content? One of my students wrote: “Consistency of communication is my goal. To hold myself more accountable to this and get over the problem I have with feeling that I am bothering people by sending them content via email or other means, even if they have signed up for my list!!” Maybe you can relate. I appreciate your sensitivity! It means you’re being thoughtful and courteous a…

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Don’t be afraid to lose people -- create your most authentic content

Don't be afraid of losing anyone.

Don't be afraid of losing anyone. Be more concerned with losing your soul. Show up daily to explore and practice your soulful expression. Then once a month look at your recent authentic posts and see what also resonates with your kindred spirits. (FYI -- I do my daily explorations on twitter because I have a much smaller audience there so I feel more free to test ideas.)

Posted by George Kao, Authentic Business Coach on Friday, August 23, 2024

Gary …

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Will Creating Free Content Get You More Clients?

Get clients by being authentic & generous with your content? Here's how it can...

“Just unsubscribed from a group which I had been a member for only 3 months. She was sharing free content, along with a few live videos. Eventually, she posted that people are taking advantage, not hiring her as a coach after consuming her content. Literally she said ‘If you don’t want to move forward, just leave.' So I left, because I sensed anger and lack.” --a commenter I can relate to this... from both c…

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Growing Your Inner Capacity for Audience Growth

Growing Your Inner Capacity for Audience Growth

“How do I grow my capacity to have and receive a large audience, and not be afraid of becoming more visible or well-known as my audience grows over time? Could you, George, share how your mind/heart have adapted at each stage of your audience growth?” –a YouTube viewer wrote to me. I thought this was a very thoughtful question, and wonder why more content creators don’t talk about this. I appreciate the questioner’s sensitivity!

Posted by G…

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Do what you love vs. Love what you do

LOVE what you do, so that one day you’ll get to do what you LOVE...

A reminder for us solopreneurs: You have to do stuff you don't naturally love… until you have enough money to do only what you love. Building a business as a solopreneur involves a huge variety of tasks and projects, most of which you wouldn’t naturally have thought – “This was what I was looking forward to doing, day to day, with an authentic business!” The stronger your passion and vision for what should be your ideal w…

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