
Recap of My 2023 Best Content, Courses, Lessons Learned

2023 Recap

Here's a recap of my 2023 best content, courses, my personal lessons learned...

Posted by George Kao, Authentic Business Coach on Friday, December 15, 2023

In the above video I recap my 2023 in terms of my best content, my courses, and the lessons I learned along the way…

Here are the links mentioned:

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Which of George Kao's Courses Should You Take?

Which of George Kao's Courses Should You Take?

I’ve been on a mission since 2009 to share knowledge and facilitate experiences that help solopreneurs be joyfully productive in their journey of authentic business. As a result, there are now 20 courses on my website, available for immediate enrollment. Given these choices, clients often ask me which course they should take. This video (and the blog post below) offers a suggested journey...

Posted by G…

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Course Launch: Making Simple, Authentic Videos for Your Business

​​Excited to be re-teaching one of my popular courses -- Authentic Video Creation: Make Simple Videos To Share Your Message & Grow Your True Audience.

Since 2014 I have been recording online videos, and have now published well over 1,000 videos.
Many of my clients say that they watched my videos before deciding to work with me.
In fact, new clients often discover me through my videos on Youtube, Facebook, or Instagram.
Compared to other mediums (writing, images, podcasts), videos…

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Why every authentic business should have its own framework

As I work on revamping my course Create Your Framework, I realize the importance of first explaining what a framework is and why it’s important for every authentic business to have its own.

Other words for “framework” include model, system, methodology, blueprint, map, curriculum, signature program, theory of change, and client transformational journey.
What is a framework?

The easiest way to understand it is to give you some examples…

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Why buy — or sell — online courses?

​Why buy online courses, when all the information is available for free, if you only knew where to look?

Or if you're an aspiring Course Creator, and consumed with self-doubt about selling information that “wants to be free”, this post is for you too.
Information is Valuable when Organized

Even if all information is freely available and the Course Creator is simply curating and organizing it, it took them a lot of time to do so. Don’t they deserve to be compensated for their efforts?…

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