
a soulful perspective on goal-setting and deadlines - Joyful Productivity for soulpreneurs

a soulful perspective on goal-setting and deadlines - Joyful Productivity for soulpreneurs

Can you relate to this comment from a student familiar with my content: “I'm seeing this pattern of mind setting up goals and plans, and especially times, to complete things. Then what tends to happen is that the plans get somehow thrown off… Things tend to start after the end of the arbitrary deadline. I thought I just need to get better at doing things on time, but I learned in an inner voice retr…

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On a Regular Basis, Repost Your Old Best Content

On a Regular Basis, Repost Your Old Best Content

A worthwhile project -- curate your 100 best pieces of content! Along the way, keep reposting those pieces occasionally. This strategy, over time, will grow you a true fan audience.

Posted by George Kao, Authentic Business Coach on Friday, July 12, 2024

Hearing a song you love on the radio, you might wish they played it again soon.

The same is true for your audience’s response to your best content :)

So it’s good to have a consisten…

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Not Inspired? Don’t Trust That Feeling. Use Your “Old” Ideas…

Waiting for inspiration?

Not inspired? Don't trust that feeling. Respect (1) your creative muse, (2) your discipline of creating, and (3) your audience (let them evaluate your ideas)...

Posted by George Kao, Authentic Business Coach on Friday, July 5, 2024


Ever captured an idea, only to revisit it a few days later and feel uninspired? You’re second-guessing your initial excitement.

“Maybe this wasn’t a good idea after all…”

This is quite normal, in my experience. We get that burs…

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Content Ideas for Coaches & Facilitators

Content Ideas for Coaches & Facilitators

Coaches often tell me: “I’m not a consultant or teacher, so I can't create content.” The assumption is that because coaches help clients find their own best answers (rather than the coach giving them answers), the coach shouldn’t be teaching or creating content. This is certainly an example of a limiting belief ;-) and prevents many coaches from expanding their potential in business and creativity. If you had a larger audience (grown through conten…

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7 Authentic Ways to Get More Visibility For Your Content

7 Authentic Ways to Get More Visibility For Your Content

I receive this question often – "How to get more visibility for my content?" In this video I give an overview of my 7 favorite strategies for getting more content reach. Check out the companion blog post with relevant links:

Posted by George Kao, Authentic Business Coach on Friday, June 14, 2024

I receive this question often –

“How to get more visibility for my content?”

Here’s my …

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