
Don’t Worry About Your “Money Blocks” Or “Limiting Beliefs”


Over the years I’ve seen many people try to work on their “money mindset”...

  • “It must be my subconscious money blocks that are holding me back from having a thriving business!”
  • “I just need to believe that I’m worth charging a higher amount!”
  • "If I finally resolve / clear / remove my limiting beliefs, I will have a breakthrough!"

Is it actually effective?

So many friends and colleagues have spent thousands of dollars (and years of effort) working on healing or clearing thei…

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Don't Enjoy Face-to-Face Networking? Here Are Some Alternatives.

Photo by Brittany Gaiser on Unsplash

​I haven’t gone to a networking meeting or conference in more than 5 years.

Yet, I have a people-centric business (training/coaching/mentoring)… and it is thriving more than ever.

Here's why I have never enjoyed in-person networking:
  • I usually find myself in a corner, too shy to insert myself into another conversation or introduce myself.
  • If I do strike up a conversation with someone nice, I end up talking (more like listening) to that perso…

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How To Do Influencer Marketing for Free

One of the quickest ways to visibility is when an influencer promotes your content or business.

Nowadays it's called “influencer marketing” and the way it’s usually done is to pay an influencer (such as a popular Instagram star) to post about your product, service, brand, or message.

This can work if your product is proven to sell, and your budget for an Ad can be several hundred dollars (or thousands) to experiment with.

There’s another way that is free, but requires more time:

To create co…

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​Call out the bad practices in your industry

Are there practices or advice within your industry that you disagree with?

Every industry, every field of expertise, has practices and ideas that aren't helpful, and can even be harmful.

When you bring to light such less-than-effective practices, solutions, advice, conventional wisdom -- without mentioning/demonizing any particular company or individuals -- you will bring relief and validation to those who have been harmed by such practices.

And, you'll help to prevent additional harm (or wa…

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Create a Free Facebook Group? Why I don't recommend it...

A couple of years ago I created and facilitated a free Facebook group (called “Our Highest Work”) and in late 2015 decided to put it on hold.

Here’s why I stopped using my Facebook Group, and why I don't recommend this strategy to any of my clients:
My "group" had basically become my fan page -- without the advantages of fan pages!

I was posting my new content there, but besides that, there was little other discussion, since I didn’t allow other members to promote their own content or offerings…

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