
Inviting a Speaker to a Telesummit? An Example of a Bad (but Typical) Invitation…

If you study “how to build an email list” you’ll almost certainly come across the strategy of hosting a telesummit. It is one of the fastest ways to build an email list. 

But it's often a terrible way to do it, because you’ll end up with an unresponsive list of subscribers, after spending incredible amounts of effort and time in creating the telesummit.

The following is an actual email I received yesterday (and you will, too, once you start getting some exposure).

This is the kind of message t…

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7 Success Factors for Authentic Content Marketing

To reach more people and make a deeper impact with your message, and ultimately grow your business, work on getting better at the following 7 factors.

Look at it as an audit of your content marketing process, and make time to gradually improve in each of these areas.


Without the attention of your audience, you’re just talking to yourself.

With their attention and care (which you earn by caring enough for them) you fulfill the mission of your business by serving them well.

The core task of caring…

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​The Tao of Content Productivity

Photo by Nik Shuliahin on Unsplash

I’m writing this on the day that 
my 3rd book is being launched. 

Some people wonder how I can get so much done, especially content, when I’m a 1-person team (haven’t had a virtual assistant for more than 6 months.)

In this post I'll explain the key factors to my productivity.

Here’s what I have on my plate:
  1. I run a 40-client Group Coaching program — 2 calls per week, and an active online group.
  2. 18 One-to-One Clients — Most meet with me once …

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Beware of the large and expensive business training programs...

Photo by rawpixel on unsplash

​Over the years, I have seen a lot of people making this mistake -- buying into expensive business/marketing training/coaching programs.

In these programs, they're with a group of hundreds of other students, with high hopes that the energy of the program will somehow propel them toward success...

​As someone who has sold such programs myself, and have partnered with dozens of others to sell these, I can tell you this:

These programs are highly profitabl…

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In Business, Focus on Rhythm rather than Timing

Photo from @evstyle on Unsplash

​I often get questions related to "timing"...

“What is the right time to post on social media?”

“When should I launch my next program?”

Here’s what I say in response:

What is your rhythm, and are you following it?

Asking about “timing” means two possible things are going on:
  1. You have a fantasy that timing will make or break your social media visibility or product launch.
  2. You are tempted to use “timing” as an excuse to delay, for fear of reje…

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