
Why I don't try to keep up with marketing trends

When you try to learn marketing, you’ll come across a lot of “tips and tricks” to get more visibility on social media, more traffic to your website, more ways to “grab” the audience’s attention, more software to automate your outreach. 

Sometimes you find a few marketing tricks that feel authentic to you -- if so, keep using them and keep trying things that intrigue you.

Most of the time, though, learning marketing means always feeling slightly (or very much) behind... there’s a constant press…

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Why I don't lock down my courses nor copyright my content

I used to fear that people would share my paid courses forward, without their friends paying for it.

I would try to lock down my content, putting password protections on it, and making people feel badly if they even considered sharing my paid content.

One day, I realized that those protections were futile.

Most people are honest and honorable, and shouldn't be made to feel like suspects. And the very few who might share my paid content with people who didn't pay for it, are going to find clev…

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Instead of Limiting Beliefs, look at your Limiting Structures.

We empower whatever we fight against… especially if the enemy is intangible, such as “limiting beliefs”, which can multiply based on our rich imagination, and our continued attention on “clearing” them. 

I’ve written about this before: Don’t worry about your limiting beliefs.

So, although I don’t believe in limiting beliefs, I do see the evidence of limiting structures, i.e. the systems and processes of someone’s life and behaviors.

You are in charge of the structures of your life. (Unl…

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Why I don't recommend automated posting on Social Media

Should you use a tool that automates your social media, such as Buffer, Hootsuite, etc?

I've tried Buffer and Hootsuite, and have seen them used by some clients and colleagues. I use none of them now, and caution my clients away from such tools, especially when posting to Facebook. 

Here's why:
Algorithms Don't Like It

I've noticed that Facebook decreases the visibility of posts that use automated software such as Buffer, Hootsuite, PostPlanner, RecurPost, MeetEdgar, etc.

Why might that be? It se…

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Month 6 in my new side business

I’ve now completed 6 months of working on my side business, just 2 hours per week, and my lesson of the month is how to deal with lack of feedback on an offer.

Have you also experienced this: You are excited about a product/service you’ve created. You share it with your audience… and then crickets. Nobody buys or inquires with you… 

Well, I’ve gotten a taste of that in my new business now. I’ll share the experience and what I’m doing about it.

First, the updates on 6 months into this project:…

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