
​Dangers to Your Creativity: No Engagement and Viral Content

When you are trying to get into a consistent rhythm with your content creation, there are 2 situations that are dangerous to your creativity:

1. When you get no response.

2. When a piece of content goes viral.

Let's explore each one...

It's easy to get discouraged, when what you thought was important or meaningful, didn’t come across that way to your audience. 

No one took the time to like, comment, or share what you created. 

You wonder:

  • Am I actually reaching anyone?
  • Do I have somethi…

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Can Affiliate Marketing be Authentic?

Within the first year of my business, I reached a monthly sales revenue of $10,000 and by the third year, my revenue was $350,000. As a solopreneur, mostly selling my own online courses.

Back then, it was all thanks to affiliate marketing. (Some people call it JV or joint venture, strategic alliances, or referral partnerships. These days, it’s often called influencer marketing.)

Yet, after a few years, I was speaking out against affiliate marketing.

In this blog post, I’ll explain why I got d…

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How I overcame decades of writer's block

Since I've written 4 books in the last 2 years, you might not believe this, but I've had writer’s block for most of my life. Up until 2015.

In school many of us are traumatized by writing. We have to write on topics we don't really care about. We have to produce on a deadline, and the quality of our writing is judged as compared to our peers. It's a terrible way to learn to love a skill.

I suffered through 17 years of such schooling, earning a college degree in English literature (where I had …

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10 Month Update on my Spiritual Side Business

I have to get real with myself (and with you) -- it’s not really a business until it starts to make money. 

For now, it’s a hobby, and a potential business. 

A few months ago, I made an initial offer to my new (spiritual side project) audience: Would they be interested in hiring me as a spiritual counselor, even for just $35 an hour? This is far lower than my business coaching fees, but I wanted to experiment, knowing I can eventually raise it up to a rate that is sustainable. 

No one took me…

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The fear of judgment that keeps you from publishing content

One of the biggest hindrances to creating content consistently? The fear of judgment. Can you relate?

What if I get one (or more!) of the facts wrong? What if there are typos or grammatical errors? What if later I realize that my ideas were wrong? What if people think I’m uninformed or stupid? What if I unknowingly say something offensive?

These are judgments inside your own head. You probably know this as well as I do: our own self-judgments are usually much harsher than our audience’s. 


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