
The 3 Stages of Content

​A common mistake that I see from aspiring content creators. Maybe you have done this too:

You have an idea that inspires you… so you think that it must also excite other people, too. Understandable!
Therefore you put lots of time (and maybe money) into packaging that idea into a book… or course… or you create an amazing video after a lot of hard work.

You share it with the world.

What usually happens?

Far less response than you hoped for…

You just fell for a core human bias — to…

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Are you a multipotentialite / multi-passionate business?

“I’m hoping that I can find a way to weave things together in a way that makes sense, resonates with buyers, feels enjoyable, and generates income.” — a client said.

“That’s a lot of pressure on yourself,” I thought.

Who says you need to weave all your interests together in a way that makes sense to anyone else, except for yourself?
​(You can have the most complicated vision of your work, as long as it makes sense to you.)

What if being financially successful — and happy in your wor…

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Which Online Course Platform is Best for the Solopreneur?

November 2022 Update:

This year I switched over to Simplero. Now that I've gotten 7 months of very active use of this platform, I love it!
This blog post below is now outdated :)

The following (outdated post) was written in April 2020:

​​More than ever, students all over the world, of all ages, are learning through online courses, and teachers are figuring out how to teach classes online using course platforms otherwise known as LM…

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7 Copywriting Ideas for Marketing Your Services

​“I’ll never be a good copywriter,” said the client. “How do I build my ideal audience and generate new clients if I can’t persuade them with good marketing copy?”

Don’t try to persuade,” I said. “Simply talk about the transformation that people experience as they try your services.”

That is good marketing copy.

​Here are 7 ideas for you to describe the transformational power of your work. Use these ideas in your content, your website copy, and in conversations with your prospective c…

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Is the market for online offerings now saturated?

A client asked:

“I’m feeling overwhelmed by all the online offerings that are popping up everywhere, now that people are in self-isolation. This is putting me off wanting to offer online stuff too. Isn’t the market saturated? Any advice or encouragement?”

My thoughts:
Truthfully, for years there has been much more online content than people can consume, and more online offerings than people can attend. You could say that the market has already been “saturated”, well before this pandem…

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