
Create Your Content for 1 Caring Person

Create Your Content for One Caring Person

Many blocks to creating content can be dissolved with one shift: Make your content for just one person at a time. Don't write for "the world". Don't make videos for "your audience." For many of us, the one-to-many approach can cause performance anxiety, which blocks authentic creativity and showing up consistently. Imagine instead that you are talking to just one person… someone you feel really comfortable talking to, someone who loves your ideas.…

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Visibility Hangover: Normalizing Authentic Self-Expression Via Public Content

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If you’ve ever built up the courage to actually publish your videos, you’re familiar with the feeling of absolute mortification… the fear and discomfort that comes immediately after the pressing publish.

“Oh my God, this thing is out there, and I don’t look as good as I thought I looked… or sound as good… or seem as smart…” or any other judgment you put on yourself. 

We might call this a “visi…

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A Soulful Practice: Moving From Results-Driven towards Authentic Marketing

Results-Driven vs. Authentic Marketing

Since you're drawn to my content, I’m going to guess: You’re in business not primarily for the money nor fame. You'd love your business to be an expression of your calling... an opportunity to serve others’ transformation… what I call an “authentic business.” Of course you’d love your business to pay the bills too, but even if it didn’t, you would still provide your authentic service in some other way, such as a hobby. Yet, when we learn from marketi…

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Deep "fun" while building your business :)

It’s deeply “fun” to build an Authentic Business 🙂

Our society usually defines “fun” as being instantly entertained: watching funny videos, playing games, buying cool stuff, drinking and eating. There’s nothing wrong with material pleasures when it’s in service of self-care. Especially when such activities are in connection with others. The distorted perspective happens when we assume that kind of “fun” is supposed to be infused throughout the activities of building a business, or in the …

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Authentic email marketing – Why I don’t recommend “lead magnets”

 A common marketing tactic is when you’re forced to give your email address in order to access a freebie, like an e-book, webinar, video series, summit, email course, or “special report”.​

Marketers call this a “lead magnet”. What an unfortunate term that dissociates marketing from relationship-building.

The real problem? It doesn’t even work that well.

I built a 10,000-person email list by using a lead magnet of a “free” webinar.

I put “free” in quotes, because your attention is valuable …

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