
The Power of Written Goals + Accountability

Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash
You might have heard of the famous Harvard/Yale study where the alumni who wrote down their goals achieved far more than the alumni who didn't.  
Well, that "study" turns out to be an urban myth.   
However, there is a real research study -- from Dr. Gail Matthews of Dominican University -- that did show actual benefits.

The summary:
Those who wrote goals down achieved 42% more than those who merely thought about (but didn't write) their goals. …

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Growing Your Business While Growing a Family

Photo courtesy of Amanda Abreu
(This is a guest post by Amanda Abreu, a member of my MasterHeart coaching program. Thanks Amanda!)

Being a solopreneur requires a high level of dedication and persistence. Being a solopreneur and a parent takes a whole other level of perseverance and grit that is difficult to quantify. 

That’s because parenting while growing your business poses its own unique set of challenges. When you are building a business, and balancing a family, you have to take int…

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The ACT Method for achieving your dreams

Photo by La-Rel Easter on Unsplash
ACT is a simple method for overcoming procrastination and making real progress on any difficult challenge or problem. Use this to get things done and make progress on your dreams.

ACT stands for:
It can be used to complete a single difficult task, or to plan a large project. Here's how it works:
A = Attitude

When it comes to achieving their dreams, many people allow themselves to wallow too much in uncertainty, doubt o…

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The Daily Energy Reboot Technique


(Originally posted in 2017, updated for 2019.)

When you feel stuck, it's because your perspective has gotten stuck.

When you're stuck, you don’t have the mental and emotional energy in that moment to figure a way through. Stay stuck and you'll be in danger of spiraling into negativity. 

Yet, you can make progress on 
any problem if you were tapped into your creativity and persistence. 

This is why the most foundational practice I have at work is not how I manage my time, knowledge,…

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Many people want the results, but few are willing to do the work...

Image by Aziz Acharki on Unsplash
I’m grateful to have created a business that is fulfilling and brings me great income, in an industry that is extremely competitive, where there are more failures than successes.
In any industry, I find that although people want success, most aren’t willing to do the work it takes to get there. Why?
There’s a profoundly mistaken assumption that many heart-centered people have:
“Once I finally discover the ultimate system, strategies, and mindset,…

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