Online Course: How To Get More Clients with Authentic Marketing


I’m excited to be launching an updated course about Authentic Client Enrollment.
Why is it that so many solopreneurs struggle to get enough clients? Some of the reasons, which this course helps to solve, are: (1) Not having a clear plan for client attraction and enrollment, or (2) Not feeling alignment with a plan you’ve learned elsewhere, and therefore (3) Not being consistent in working an effective plan.
Yes, it helps to have a clear message (I have a course for that: Message Building System) but if you aren’t engaged with consistent and aligned outreach, there simply won’t be enough clients who magically find you, no matter how great your message is.
We’ll begin the course by exploring the key principles of authentic selling — what makes it something we can actually enjoy and do more consistently? By liberating your mindset about selling, you’ll naturally gain new ideas for outreach that matches your energy.
In this course I’ll teach you my top 5 recommended methods:
  1. Nichemate referrals
  2. Consistent content
  3. Mini launches
  4. Tapering strategy
  5. Authentic webinars
I’ll describe them briefly here:
Nichemate Referrals

Truth: all of your potential clients right now are buying from many businesses. A few of those businesses are considered “niche mates” for you — they have a related service or product. If you do the work of figuring out who your nichemates are, and connecting with them genuinely, you can create a lot of referrals for your business.
Consistent Content
What’s the easiest way for someone to remember you, and to refer you? By seeing your content. I do my best to model consistent content because I wish this ability on all my clients and fans. Consistent content creates consistent interest in your business, and many creators have found that it is also essential for a vibrant life -- through authentic creativity.
Mini Launches
A “launch” is a concerted effort to announce a product or service. A mini-launch is a gentler way to do it, without the stress and high-risk that comes with typical launches you’ll learn elsewhere. Instead, mini-launches are more experimental, playful, and can be done more frequently. It doesn’t have to be pushy or salesy like typical launches. A more authentic way, a mini-launch, is to imagine you’re creating a party that you love, and inviting people you would genuinely enjoy.
Tapering Strategy 
The more you do your client work, the more skillful you become, and the more you’re clear about who your ideal client is, and what exactly is the ideal work you do. When you’re chronically underemployed, it’s usually because you’re not willing to take on clients (even if they might be ideal) without them paying a certain rate. You lose out on the experience of the client work, and the other person loses out on experiencing your work (and maybe raving about it!) The tapering strategy solves this by having you open up a limited number of free or lower-fee client spots. Then, gradually tapering it off as you get more full-fee clients and grow your income.
Authentic Webinars
Most “free webinars” are carefully-designed sales pitches. Participants feel the bait-and-switch, and the presenter’s reputation is eroded. Instead, create a webinar that delivers genuine value, on a topic related to your service. Put a price to the webinar, but allow people to access for free if (and only if) they attend live. This way you get people who actually consume the webinar, and at the end you can do a gentler mention about your services for those who want to go farther with you.  
I’ll have in-depth teaching about each of these 5 strategies in the course, and answer your questions, and then you’ll test out the ones that fascinate you, and customize it to best fit your personality and business.
We will complete the course by giving you the opportunity to connect with other students to find accountability buddies to take consistent action on implementing the strategies that match you best.
If this sounds interesting to you, I hope you’ll join us for the course on getting clients authentically!