To get clients in the next 3-6 months...
The first step to getting new clients within 3-6 months is to think about how much time you have available each week for your business.
Then, I recommend spending nearly all that time working on enrolling new clients, or getting past clients to re-book, as appropriate.
Here are my suggested resources...
2 pieces of content about getting clients asap...
For more, here are my blog posts about getting new clients.
Focusmate is a miraculous tool that I use several hours a day and it's helped me accomplish so much. Join Focusmate here: George Kao's Focusmate Community
My authentic business planning course offers a plan to get new clients within 6 months.
I also have a course that is entirely about getting clients. About half the course is about getting clients ASAP, and the rest of the course is a strategy for continually getting clients in the long-term: Authentic Client Attraction & Enrollment.
Oftentimes, the problem with getting clients has to do with your Offer not being aligned enough, i.e. lack of "product-market fit". To use a proven 8-step process to clarify your offers -- via market research -- take the CORE Coaching Program.
Update me on your progress:
As you work through the above resources, I hope you'll update me about your progress and ask any questions.
Wishing you joyful productivity,
George Kao