Authentic Market Discovery:
Discover the Sweet Spot
Between Your Passions
& Market Demand

Ever feel like your passion and talent aren't translating into sales? 

Or maybe you are wondering, what are the services or programs you could offer, that would build you an authentic business?

Clarify Your Calling with Authentic Market DiscoveryThis is why we need to master an essential skill for all soulpreneurs – yet most are sorely lacking in understanding and practice – which is market discovery.  

(Before you fall asleep… I know that market research sounds dry, but as you’ll discover in the course, it’s actually an opportunity to have fun conversations with people you like, about what you're interested in!)

Why is it important to do this?

I believe that every soulpreneur who needs clients now would truly benefit from engaging with this course. 

Because you may have noticed that your passion about your services doesn’t always result in getting enough people to actually spend money with you.

What you need to do is to conduct effective (authentic) market discovery so that you become so much clearer about what people want.

You need to go beyond intuition, and validate your ideas through real-world feedback… because your income comes from your market’s spending… not just from your passion or affirmations or great charm 😄 

The clearer and more motivated you are about what your market wants from you at this time, the more you can offer them exactly that…

…which means the more profitable your chosen niche will be… the more signups, customers, and clients you’ll have!

(If you’re wondering how to find more of the right people to talk to? Our course community is primed to offer suggestions and connections to one another.)

Lightbulb cool Clarify Your Calling with Authentic Market Research
By the way, market discovery is not a one-time activity

What your market wants from you will keep changing by the year.

I’ve been a full-time soulpreneur since 2009, and having done more than 150 launches of programs, services, and events, I can tell you (and hopefully save you a lot of time) that without market discovery, rarely will a launch or service be successful. 

I still, to this day, continually practice the skill of market research because it is essential to the viability of my own business, too.

One of my students wrote:

“I'd love to have conversations about what to do with people who are attracted to my social media, but don't seem to present themselves as potential clients.” 

Again: market discovery.

The course will teach you how to engage with your social media audience (even if it’s tiny) so they tell you what they’re most yearning for – from your business – at this time. 

“Authentic” market discovery?

We will not be poring over market data and industry charts. Those are often surprisingly inapplicable and misleading for soulpreneurs, whose unique and profitable ideas are often months (or years) ahead of what we can google for market data. 

Instead, we will practice having real-time conversations with humans we’d love to work with – using specific questions and themes – that uncover the deeper insights, energy, and their motivations.

No, it’s not enough to do this with ChatGPT 🤖

Your human conversations will get you the real “intel” about what the market most likely wants to buy from you now.

(Our course community of fellow human beings will offer each other practice for market research conversations, as well as connections to other kindred spirits.)


Plus, these authentic conversations will create heartfelt connections with them that more likely lead into new clients and referrals for you as well.

In this course you’ll not only learn – but more importantly, practice in a supportive community – the actions of authentic market discovery!

What you’ll learn to clarify, step by step, in this course and co-learning community:

  • Which of your interests are unique, wanted in the market, and worth paying for?

  • Which of your interests aren’t… at this time anyway?

  • How to get your audience (no matter how small or fledgling) to talk with you? You’ll get plenty of examples of outreach messages that you can emulate to your voice.

  • In your conversations, what are the most misleading questions to ask?

  • What kinds of questions should you be asking instead?

  • How to respond if they tell you they’ve never considered your type of services before?

  • Why clarify your easily referrable issue and how to validate it (so it’s not just in your head)?

  • How to simplify and integrate all the intel you’ll be getting from these conversations?

  • What is a market discovery poll and how to conduct one? I will give you my template and several recent examples, and you’ll learn a lot from other students’ examples too.

  • How to integrate the data from your market discovery polls so you can make a clear (and grounded!) decision about what to offer next… 

This course will teach you highly practical skills that you’ll use to grow your business for years to come. Yet, perhaps the greatest value is the focused community of practice that this course is bringing together. We are forming a supportive group of soulpreneurs who are getting increasingly smarter with this important business skill of market discovery.

It is so valuable to have others who “get” the need for these conversations and will practice with you before you go “out there” and do it with your network. You’ll feel greatly supported in having this kind of focused practice community compared to doing market research on your own!

Lightbulb warm Clarify Your Calling with Authentic Market Discovery

“For me, my market discovery calls went far beyond the usual description of my demographic that I understand so well... it was about learning the words and resistances and delivery preferences that I actually had no idea about, and then was able to address in my program design and marketing.” – Jessica Jennings

After this course, you’ll have kindred spirits with whom you’ll have mutual support for months or years to come.

If you’re ready to join us:

What You'll Receive:

  • 6 hours of inspirational training videos -- students say the course material is easy to follow!  And you'll be able to pause, rewind, rewatch the videos as many times as you'd like.

  • Written Guidance for step-by-step implementation, i.e. a full outline of the course, complete with all relevant links.

  • Private Course Discussion under each course lesson, to connect with fellow students for mutual support!

You are getting lifetime access
to all of the above.

You also receive:

  • Bonus Group Q&A Calls with George Kao -- for 2 months starting the date you purchase the course -- where you can attend and ask your questions. Whether or not you attend, you'll receive those recordings afterwards as well.