
Let Go of the Need to Make a Good First Impression

Many of us grow up hearing “You only get one chance at making a good first impression.” We are taught this when applying for schools, for jobs, and when finding friends and partners. 

It’s no wonder that so many people are blocked from their authentic creativity. I also believe this is why so many of us are not consistent in creating content, due to this deep philosophical limitation.

Years ago I encountered this quote, which had a li…

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Instantly Impressive vs. Consistently Authentic

There are essentially two foundational ways of showing up in our marketing and content:

  1. Be impressive instantly.
  2. Be consistently authentic.

You can get clients through both methods, but only one method unleashes your full potential.

Let’s start with what most people think marketing is about:
Instant Impressiveness

This is when you work hard to make a great first impression: awesome logo, amazing website, persuasive copywriting, undeniable testimonials, polished videos, perf…

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Why I don't post about social or political issues...

​Just as yours, my heart goes out to the innocent and suffering people of Ukraine and Russia at this time... and to the other wars around the globe that are underreported.

And yet, you might have noticed that I rarely post anything about it, nor about the many important societal or political issues in the past few years.

I wish to be an example of someone who does not post social/political stuff – for all of you out there who might sometimes feel guilty about not posting about such thin…

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What if your ideas go viral and you don’t get credit for it?

As you become more effective and successful with your work, one of the risks is that others might copy you. This is most frequently done in online content: one of your pieces goes viral and then others reuse it, but don’t give you credit.

Should you be concerned that it might happen? Do you need to constantly monitor and hunt down the copycats? Some people do. For me, it would be too much stress.

Instead, I recommend preventive measures.
The more places you …

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Uninspired, but Willing.

​I share this “secret” with many creators -- I don’t feel inspired until I’ve already started creating... as short as 5 minutes, upwards of 45 minutes.

I often feel uninspired. But I am willing to try.

It’s how I start my work most of the time. This very piece you’re reading started with an uninspired mood.

Working conditions don’t seem ideal to me, most of the time:
I’m either not feeling like doing what my schedule says… 

Or there’s construction or other noise going on…  

Or I’m…

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