If you're looking for access to the courses you bought before I moved to Simplero...

My apologies. At this time, you'll have to use the original system (that is still in place) when you had bought the course.

(Exception: members of MasterHeart will been given Simplero access to those old courses.)

Search your email inbox for messages sent by contact@georgekao.com that have the subject line containing the word Access or Keep, and the title of the course.

If you can't find it, I can still give you access if you can forward me some evidence that you had enrolled in the course in the past -- a receipt email from Paypal or Stripe would be ideal. 

To help you track your course access links and progress:

Course Tracking Spreadsheet

(It requires that you first log into your Google account.)

Any courses you enroll in, going forward, will be on Simplero (my new course platform).

Thanks for understanding, and I look forward to seeing you in future courses!

--George Kao