No doubt we’ve all been deeply inspired by speakers who have found their true voice, and are telling powerful stories that are unique to them.
That’s what I wish for you as well.
You found your way to this page, because you have a sense that there is a potential for you to make a much bigger positive impact on people.
Imagine if you could fully embody your authentic self on camera, speaking from the depths of your being and sharing the wisdom that only you can offer.
It’s time to focus on this important aspect of your creativity and presence. The benefits of this empowering experience will flow to other areas of your business and life as well.
Let’s work on this step by step, in an encouraging community of support.

I’ve been speaking on camera to groups, small and large, since 2009.
Since 2014, I’ve been actively making YouTube videos – and I recently surpassed 2,000 videos!
I’m not naturally a high-energy guy. Most of my videos aren’t that kind of influencer-high-energy either. (Although I do have a few of those!) You can watch my “best” videos (where my energy signature is most present) here.
I’ve developed a way of presenting myself on camera that feels deeply true and relaxing for me. It’s a kind of authentic presence on camera that I wish for all speakers.
And, the vast majority of my clients say that it was my energy on videos and presentations that helped them decide to work with me.
I was really shy growing up…
My two brothers are close in age… and then I came along 5 years later. Throughout my childhood, I was told to be quiet because “the adults are talking.”
And then at the formative age of 7 my family immigrated from Taiwan to the United States, into an all-white Southern California community. A shocking experience. I had to learn English as a second language (...even while barely fluent in my first language.)
It was a tough time because I couldn’t communicate well with the other kids, and was even bullied for being so quiet in class.
I developed a stutter, and a personality of being the shy, awkward, and weirdly quiet kid that never spoke (and couldn’t speak) in class…
Years later, I encountered a series of classes where the professors provided a super encouraging environment for students to find their voice and practice speaking their minds and hearts. These experiences produced really long-lasting benefits for my life, both professionally and personally.
This is the kind of empowerment that I wish to develop among us!
It takes thoughtful, deliberate practice – and an incredibly supportive community – to find your authentic speaking presence. To courageously express your energy signature on camera, every time you show up for a presentation or a video.
This is the deep work we’ll be doing in this course together, in a kindred-spirit community.

Here are the topics of our work together:
Impromptu speaking authentically in a way that feels powerful to you.
Feeling centered, grounded, and at ease while filming a video.
Finding your most powerful story (because good ideas aren’t enough anymore!)
Have greater clarity on YOUR unique potential for video, how you stand out among the many video creators.
Making 1-minute videos – how to teach or tell a story effectively.
Remembering what to say while on camera.
Concerned about tired eyes, face or body posture? In this course you’ll create a way that works for you to easily be energized to make a video.
Practice the best way for you to start your videos, and to end your videos.
Get clear on exactly where to record your video (what part of your home or office, etc.)
A community to share your honest feelings about recording / speaking on video, and to practice speaking powerfully on camera.
Why do others in your niche get so many more “likes” on their videos than you… what are you missing? In the Q&A calls in this course you’ll get a chance to bring this up, and we’ll diagnose it and offer you suggestions for the path forward.
How to exude authentic confidence and charisma on camera – your energy signature powerfully expressed.
If you’ve been part of my courses, you know the extraordinary quality of participants you’ll meet. Especially for a topic like this, I believe you’ll meet truly heart-led kindred spirits for mutual support here. This sets apart my courses from others – the real engagement of wonderful peers – and many say it’s worth the price of admission itself.
Join this nurturing course where you can explore, experiment, and blossom into the authentic and uniquely powerful communicator you have the potential to be.

When You Enroll
You'll Receive:
4 hours of inspirational training videos -- students say the course material is easy to follow! And you'll be able to pause, rewind, rewatch the videos as many times as you'd like.
Written Guidance for step-by-step implementation, i.e. a full outline of the course, complete with all relevant links.
Private Course Discussion under each course lesson, to connect with fellow students for mutual support!
You are getting lifetime access to all of the above.
You also receive:
Bonus Group Q&A Calls with George Kao -- for 2 months starting the date you purchase the course -- where you can attend and ask your questions. Whether or not you attend, you'll receive those recordings afterwards as well.