"What's my natural way of creating content? What should I write about?"


Every person has some way of creating content that is more natural for them.

​In this post, I offer you a variety of ideas.  Consider each one, and try it.  The only way to discover your authentic content creation method is to experiment.  Observe what works for you, and what your audience wants most from you.

As marketing guru Seth Godin says, "Don't go around insisting that you made something remarkable... Instead, test different things you made, and see what your audience likes the best."

5 Natural Ways of Creating Content

The following are 5 of my favorite methods.  Try these out, and see which ones help you naturally make content too.
Method #1. Content from Notes after Client Sessions. 

In every client session you have, observe their transformation.  There's usually some "aha!" moment, or some story of progress.  Also notice the questions that they ask you.  

Any of these can be turned into useful content.

Therefore, make a new habit: After you meet with a client, take a moment to pause, and write down the key ideas, process, or story you shared that helped them the most... that could become a blog post or video one day. 

I make this habit easier by having this simple form to fill out:

What results or progress did they celebrate?
What questions did they ask?  (and solutions you gave?)
What other assignments did I give them? (if any)

You can create your own private form by using Google Forms for free.

Then once a week, I go and look at the form, and what I filled out the past week.  I ask myself which idea I would like to turn into some piece of content.

If you're feeling especially inspired about the session, you could immediately record a video or audio (or write a blog post). 

Of course, keep your client names & details confidential, unless they are interested in having you share it.  Simply change the name & details so that no reader can identify who you're talking about. 

Method #2. Get Interviewed.

I'm not talking about getting on some famous TV show or podcast.  

What I mean here is that usually, we have an easier time answering other people's questions, than trying to come up with our own content by ourselves.

So go ahead, reach out to someone, and have them meet with you for 15 minutes, longer if possible.  Have them ask you about your work, and the issues you work on with clients.

Who might be happy to interview you?  Some ideas:
  • someone you live with or see frequently.
  • a kindred spirit that you meet in a Facebook group such as as Awarepreneurs -- you can swap interviews with people.
  • one of your clients who greatly appreciates your work.

You might want to send your interviewer 2 or 3 suggested questions in advance.  And encourage them to take the conversation wherever they are most curious.  Let them know that the purpose is to pull out of your mind & heart, some thoughts that could become blog posts or videos.

As for the technology, the simplest way is via phone, Skype, or Zoom. 

However, such an interview can also be done over an email thread, back and forth... or even over text messaging.  Pick a method that is natural for you, and for them.

Method #3. Comment in Groups.

Is there an online group (such as Facebook groups) that you like to hang out in?

If you see a thread where you could contribute your wisdom, especially from your area of expertise (the topic of your business), by all means, comment on such threads.

Kind of like being interviewed, you're more likely to create content naturally when you engage in a discussion, than when trying to write alone.

If you already like to comment on Facebook, you can click here to find all of your own Facebook comments.

Method #4. Summarizing an Article or Book.

If you enjoy reading books in your field, why not take some notes, and share your learnings with your audience?

You will reinforce your learning, and you'll help your audience.  And, because the piece of content will have the book title & author's name included, your content will be more likely to be found on search engines. 

For example, my book summaries have been some of my most well-loved videos.  They have been watched more than my other videos, because readers are typing in the book titles into the search engine, and sometimes, they find my content as a result.

Method #5. Outdoor Videos.

I walk my dog daily... one of the benefits of having a dog -- it forces you to exercise more!

When I arrive at the dog park, I'm sometimes just standing around, waiting for buddy the pup to run around, play, etc.

One day I decided to pull out my phone and record a quick video message of inspiration for my clients.  

The rest is history... I now have this series of video messages that are from my dog walks, where I share tips about heart-based business, marketing, and life. 

Which of these 5 natural ways of creating content might work for you? Comment here.

For additional info about these 5 methods, watch this video:

What Should You Talk / Write / Speak About?

Here are 5 ways to come up with relevant content for your ideal audience...

Way #1. What questions are you being asked?  

As mentioned in the section above, you get questions all the time, that could be come part of your content. 

Such questions may come during a client session.  Or in an email from a client.  Or it may be included in a comment within a Facebook thread.  Or in a workshop. 

Be observant for questions in any place you're interacting with clients & prospective clients.

Brainstorm the top 25 - 50 questions that your prospective or current clients ask you.  

If you can't get to at least 25, then you need to ask them what questions they would love answers to (in your field of expertise.)

Your answers to such questions can be the foundation for your content.  I've noticed that when I answer my ideal audience's questions, they usually become my most popular pieces of content.  

It's no surprise -- when you give people what they're seeking, they engage with you, and to seek more from you.

Way #2. Stories from your work with clients.

Be observant in your client sessions, workshops, or anywhere you help them.  

Notice their "aha!" moments.  Be aware of what transformation they are going through.  Take note of what insights they most appreciate from you.

As human beings, we love stories.  The basic arc of a good story to include in your content is: 
  • Some triggering event or problem, that causes the client to search for solutions.
  • How you helped the client apply the solution to their situation.
  • What was / is the result?

Start to take note of such stories in your client work.

Way #3. What keywords do you want to be found for?

Imagine that your prospective client is trying to find someone like you on Google.  They're searching for a solution that you provide.  What words or phrases are they typing into the Google search engine?  What they are typing is called a "keyword".

Write out at least 25 possible keywords (usually it's a phrase or a question, not just a single word) that are related to your services, what you do for clients, and most importantly, what questions they ask you.

Prioritize that list of keywords.  If there were just 5 keywords you want to really champion, that you really want people to think of you for, what are those 5?  Again, these could be client problems stated as questions, or brief phrases.

Now, google one of those keywords.

Notice the content that comes up on the first page of the search results.  (Not the advertisements, but the organic search results.)

This is what your prospective clients are finding when they google that keyword.  If you could improve upon any of those top pieces of content, you could have excellent and findable content!

As you click through to those top content pieces, ask yourself:
  • What do I disagree with?
  • What do I agree with, that I could say in my own way?
  • What related idea, story, or perspective is missing, yet important?

Create your own version of that piece of content, by answering the questions above.

Repeat with each keyword.  By doing this, you are creating highly relevant content.

The reason those links are showing up on the first page of the search results is because those links are what people tend to be clicking.  If you can improve upon those pieces, you will be on the winning side.

Way #4. Social Media observation.

Similarly to #3, can you start observing what your clients are sharing on social media?

What links do they share on Twitter?  

What articles or videos do they share on Facebook?

Of everything they share, what's related to your area of expertise?

Regarding these pieces of content, ask the same 3 questions I suggested above (What do I disagree with; What do I agree with; What related idea isn't being included here.)

Then, create your own version of the content -- addressing the same question or topic, but from your perspective and experience.  You will be creating content that your clients and prospective clients want, but in your own voice.

Way #5. What are you learning in your field?

If you were to read 3-5 articles in your field, then summarize your learnings in one article, and include additional ideas you think are important, then you will have made a contribution to your industry.

Or, you can share your book summaries / notes.

Which of these 5 ideas would you like to try?  Comment here.

Focus your content on being the expert in your field, and a champion for your ideal clients.

For more thoughts on these 5 ways, watch this video:

​Try Creating Social Media Memes

You've seen them everywhere -- images shared on social media that highlight some inspirational quote. These kinds of posts, or "social media memes", are well-liked.

It's an easy way to communicate your values, message, and keep inspiring your audience.  Also, it's an effective way to build a social media following and get the word out about your business.

​(click on images to see original posts)


​The easy free tool that created these images is Buffer's Pablo App.

​Watch this video to learn how I use it:
Try searching Pablo's image database for hundreds of thousands of free images that you can use to create your meme.  I'd recommend searching 1 word at a time. Some words to try:


Also, if you have a logo, you can upload it to have it as a stamp or watermark on the meme.

​Are you excited to create your own memes?  Do you have anyone you follow on social media that has exceptionally good memes?  Comment here.

Tips for Better Videos

In 2009 I made my first video.  Then, I didn't make another video for 4 years.  What happened?  

I saw my first video and said... "George, you're not some handsome movie star... people don't need to see you on video!"

But then in 2013, some friends encouraged me to try video again.  I made a short video for them.  They were very supportive.  Then I did a live video for a small portion of my audience.  They also were very supportive.

Fast forward to 2015, I became quite a fan of doing videos.  I haven't gotten more handsome.  If anything, I have more wrinkles!

The key lesson -- if you are shy on video, first make a video for a tiny group of supportive friends.  Let them encourage you.  Then gradually expand the circle of people allowed to watch your videos.

In 2015, I made a commitment to create 100 videos.  I learned a great deal by completing that commitment.  To see my favorite video tips, click on this comprehensive blog post.  Read it if you want to be encouraged to get going on making videos.


All of George Kao's content, including this post, is in the Creative Commons: CCBY license.

​You can comment on this blog post here.

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